Drumming against ruminating

Worrying is thinking about what has been or what will be, while drumming brings all the attention to the here-and-now. Drumming requires concentration. You need your attention because you are listening and playing at the same time. There is no room for ruminating.

Drumming is done without thinking or planning. If you are used to thinking and controlling everything ahead of you, it can be difficult to surrender to the rhythm. If you manage to do so, it feels liberating to merge with the drumming and get into the flow.


“The rhythm drew me more and more into the undulating movement of the music. I dared to let go bit by bit until suddenly I was completely in the music and all my fear disappeared. I experienced great joy and loads of energy!”

— Nico (32)


Daring to let go

Going somewhere and letting go completely is the best anti-ruminating medicine. Ruminating consumes energy while drumming charges your battery. The structure of the simple rhythms also has a relaxing effect. Drumming together can create a special feeling of togetherness.


Goals of the therapy

  • Be present in the here-and-now

  • Let go of control and dare to trust more

  • Become more relaxed

  • Understand what brings you into the state of 'flow' and relaxation

  • Enjoy “togetherness”


“I’m used to building a wall around me. While playing, I noticed what happens when I open up more: suddenly I’m enjoying myself, I’m having fun and even derive energy from it. Then it suddenly feels like 'together'. I haven't felt that before.

— Anne-Lena (59)


Practical information

"Drumming against ruminating" can be given individually or in a group and consists of eight sessions of 60 minutes.